ISSN 2682-9525 (print)
ISSN 2683-0027 (online)

PDF иконаAleksandrova, E., I. Koprev,
Complex solutions for the construction of integrated facilities in stoped-out open-pit mining facilities
PDF иконаAsenov, R., P. Nedkov, P. Karamihov,
Drilling and blasting to form the wall of the non-operational benches of Ellatzite mine.
PDF иконаBozhko, L.L., I.D. Turgel, R.K. Sapanova,
Comparative analysis of state support programmes for clusters: experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.
PDF иконаChepushtanova, T.A., M. Yessirkegenov, K.K. Mamyrbaeva, A. Nikoloski, V.A. Luganov,
Interphase formations in copper extraction systems.
PDF иконаChepushtanova, T.A., I.Y. Motovilov, Y.S. Merkibayev, M.S. Sarsenova, G. Sumedh,
Technology of sulfidizing-pyrrhotizing roasting of lead flotation tailings.
PDF иконаDebelyashki, K., M. Nicolova,
Waste management in Kostinbrod area.
PDF иконаGicheva, G., N. Mintcheva, L. Djerahov,
ZnO-based nanomaterials for organic pollutants removal from wastewater
PDF иконаHristov, M.,
Study of the physico-mechanical properties of the rock massif in the Shumachevski dol deposit, the Androw section.
PDF иконаIvanov, N., P. Shishkov,
Application of non-detonating charges for cautious blasting of concretes.
PDF иконаKaykov, D., D. Georgiev,
Identifying the dig lines for ore extraction in the case of open-pit mining.
PDF иконаLuganov, V.A., T.A. Chepushtanova, G.D. Guseynova, B. Mishra,
Biotechnologies application at arsenic-bearing materials processing.
PDF иконаNachev, S., G. Georgiev, I. Vasilev, M. Takeva,
Geotechnical assessment of the benches in the Elatzite open pit mine after blasting.
PDF иконаNicolova, M., I. Spasova, P. Georgiev, S. Groudev,
Electricity generation by different microbial strains.
PDF иконаPenev, V., Z. Mollova,
Design optimization of drilling and blasting operations: А case study on copper ore mining in Asarel.
PDF иконаPlochev, S., S. Zeinelov,
Pollution of groundwater and surface water from the mining industry.
PDF иконаStoyanchev, G., K. Dermendjiev, G. Dachev,
Types passports for roofbolting for crosses on broad roads with hydraulic tilting friction anchors in the condition of the Koshava mine, „Gypsum“ JSC.
PDF иконаStoycheva, N.K.,
Combined methods for extraction of large dimension stone blocks for decorative purposes.
PDF иконаToshev, S., A. Loukanov,
Ultrasound-propelled biomimetic nanorobot for targeting and isolation of pathogenic bacteria from diverse environmental media.
PDF иконаToshkov, N., I. Vasilev, L. Svilenov,
Transient, three-dimensional, hydrogeological numerical model of Ellatzite open pit mine
PDF иконаVatzkitcheva, M., K. Velichkova, N. Kolev, P. Savov,
A study of horizontal distribution pattern of particulate pollutants near a highway
PDF иконаVucheva, R., V. Trifonova–Genova,
Stress and strain state around elliptic opening in transversally isotropic rock mass-2.
PDF иконаVucheva, R., M. Ivanova,
On the determination of the function for stress in transversally isotropic rock mass with elliptic opening
PDF иконаYalamov, Z., N. Hadzhieva,
Adopted approaches and practices during the structural-geological investigation of the rock mass in Ellatsite open pit mine, for the purpose of numerical modelling and mine design.
PDF иконаBoyadjiev, M.
Analysis of the hydrogen concentration on networks for gas supply.
PDF иконаChetyov, S., K. Dzhustrov,
Ore load influence on ball mills specific electricity consumption.
PDF иконаDzhustrov, K., N. Haralambiev,
Electrical losses in the electricity distribution networks when connecting new generator power.
PDF иконаGorbounov, Y., R. Alexandrov,
Platform for experimental study of a switched reluctance motor.
PDF иконаJordanov, J.M.,
Aspects of origin mechanism for continuous (in situ) hydrocarbon accumulations.
PDF иконаNedyalkov, P.,
Reliability function improved fitting using goodness-of-fit procedures.
PDF иконаPetrov, P., R. Istalianov, S. Manev,
Electricity efficiency of a semi-autogenous mill investigation.
PDF иконаPulev, S.,
Tighting the pieces of material in centrifugal roller mills.
PDF иконаPulev, S.,
Storage of the goods under the operation of the mining dumper truck.
PDF иконаStoyanov, A., J. Javorova,
Determination of kinematic characteristics of the complex motion of a particle by MATHCAD.
PDF иконаSlavkov, T., V. Mitkov,
Technical diagnostics and service of gas distribution networks.
PDF иконаVelinova, S.,
Research of growth and development of plants under artificial light.
PDF иконаVelinova, S., V. Ilieva, K. Velinov,
Lighting conditions in photovoltaic greenhouses.
PDF иконаYanakiev, V.
Implementation of remote monitoring systems and commercial measurement.
PDF иконаApostolova, D., A. Bechtel, I. Kostova, M. Stefanova,
Biomarkers assemblage of unburned coal particles in fly ashes from Bulgarian thermoelectric power plants.
PDF иконаChanachev, A.,
Synthesis, biofunctionalization and application of gold nanoparticles
PDF иконаGeorgieva, B., B. Ranguelov, D. Solakov, S. Dimovsky, A. Kisyov,
Methodology of mapping and digitalization of Vs_30 for the seismic hazard assessment in big cities
PDF иконаGerdjikov, I., Y. Dinev, D. Vangelov.,
Structural geology of the central part of Kamenitsa-Rakovitsa fault zone
PDF иконаLakov, A., S. Stoynev, A. Hristov,
Strength and deformation properties of the intact gneiss rock from Zheleznitsa tunnel of Struma highway (Bulgaria)
PDF иконаMarinov, I., K. Ruskov, K. Popov, N. Temelakiev,
3D implicit modelling of alteration rocks and lithological units in the Milin kamak Au-Ag deposit: results and applications
PDF иконаNikolova, V., A. Kamburov, R. Rizova,
Modelling and assessment of debris flow erosion and deposition using geoinformation technologies,
PDF иконаSabeva, R., S. Velev, H. Georgieva, T. Stanimirova,
Hydrothermal alteration and ore mineralization of the Nunatak de Castillo, Livingston Island, Antarctica.
PDF иконаSinnyovsky, D.,
Holocene transgressions in the area of the Burgas lakes complex – manifestation of global climatic fluctuations.
PDF иконаSinnyovsky, D.,
Holocene deposits of the Varna Lake
PDF иконаStoyanov, N., S. Dimovski,
Prognostication of groundwater contamination caused by old sanitary landfills – part I. Models of the mass transport of pollutants through the unsaturated zone.
PDF иконаStoyanov, N., S. Dimovski,
Prognostication of groundwater contamination caused by old sanitary landfills – part IІ. Models of the mass transport of pollutants in the saturated zone.
PDF иконаVelev, S., C. Trevisan, D. Dochev, J. Gerdjikov, K. Bonev,
New data about volcano-sedimentary successions on Byers peninsula and Hannah point, Livingston Island, Antarctica.
PDF иконаTzankova, N., D. Stavrakeva,
Mineralogical study of archaeological copper slags found in the area of the Boyadzhik village, Yambol region, Southeast Bulgaria.
PDF иконаBuyukliev, E.,
Regional conflicts for natural resources.
PDF иконаDeliyska, D., N. Yanev, M. Trifonova-Draganova,
A model for building a mobile application for indoor navigation.
PDF иконаDimov, E., R. Bakyrdjieva, N. Stratiev,
The mining industry and the recycling of raw materials as an important element of the Bulgarian economy.
PDF иконаDimov, G.D.,
Decision making process in peace time with real risks and threats for security.
PDF иконаDobreva, H.N.,
Hybrid distance learning during Covid-19 in Bulgaria.
PDF иконаDotseva, Z., I. Gerdjikov,
Assessment of debris flows-prone watersheds in the southern slopes of Stara planina mountain by combined raster and morphometric analysis.
PDF иконаIlieva-Obretenova, M.,
Blockchain node management in smart grid.
PDF иконаKuzmin, S., A. Turbit, O. Salko,
Substantiation of the efficiency of container technologies application for the transportation of rock in deep pits.
PDF иконаMindova, I.,
Public-private partnership in declared state of emergency – a comparative study of the USA federal defense priorities and allocations system
PDF иконаPurvanova, M., V. Panichkova, B. Dimitrova,
Practical work with the language of mathematics in the module in English for special purposes at the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”
PDF иконаSereenen, S.,
Possibilities and resolutions of the Mongolian energy sector
PDF иконаSpassov, S.I., G.M. Marinov,
Challenges in the blackboard platform usage for knowledge verification in master training.
PDF иконаStavreva, I., Y. Ivanov, V. Tsolova, S. Stavrev, N. Kostova, E. Yordanov, M. Purvanova,
Study of students’ attitudes in applying innovative forms of training in physical education and sports at the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”
PDF иконаTrifonova, B.,
Committed employees – innovative competitive advantage of mining companies.
PDF иконаTsakova, Ts.Ts.,
The new generation of managers in a global aspect.
Годишник на МГУ 63/2020