
International Symposium in honor of Prof. Georgios Anastassakis

We are happy to announce that our colleague Prof. Georgios Anastassakis, National Technical University of Athens, will be honored through the Anastassakis International Symposium – SIPS 2024, which will be held in Crete, 20-24 October 2024. Prof. Anastassakis is a member of the editorial board of the University of Mining and Geology journal "Sustainable Extraction [...]

Partnership in the organization of the 22 Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association

We (e.g. IMC-BAS) are partner in the organization of the 22 Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA2022) that will be held on 7-11.09.2022 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

The new edition of EIT Jumpstarter – innovative ideas in seven thematic categories

The new edition of EIT Jumpstarter, one of the most well-known European pre-accelerator programmes is already open. Candidates are able to submit their innovative ideas in seven thematic categories. Besides healthcare, team can apply in raw materials, agri-food, energy, manufacturing, urban mobility and New Europes Bauhaus categories. Applications can be sent until 10th of April [...]