The course of studies in Solid and Liquid Waste Management offers specialised vocational training in the field of: management of solid (municipal/household, hazardous and radioactive, construction, mining) and liquid (industrial/municipal and household) waste; treatment of natural, industrial, and domestic waste water; the activities for their environmentally-friendly collection, storage, transportation, disposal, stabilisation, treatment, processing, recycling, and utilisation.

The graduates of the course of study are qualified to hold managerial and executive positions in factories, installations, facilities, waste disposal sites, manufacturing and engineering enterprises, research institutes and laboratories, design companies, associations, firms and organisations, specialised departments of mining companies operating in the field of solid and liquid waste management.

Vocational field 5.8 Exploration, Mining, and Processing of Minerals
Course of study Solid and Liquid Waste Management
Educational and qualification degree Master
Vocational qualification Engineer in Management of Solid and Liquid Waste
Form of study Full-time
Duration of study 1 year (two semesters)
1.5 years (three semesters)