The Master’s Degree course in Exploration Geophysics aims at preparing highly qualified specialists in the field of structural geological and geophysical studies related to the prospecting, exploration and extraction of solid minerals.

Exploration Geophysics offers classical and modern methods and means of training in Physical Field Theory, Methods of Solving Ill-Conditioned Problems in Geophysics, Ore Geophysics, Industrial Types of Mineral Deposits, Geostatistical Evaluation of Mineral Deposits, Numerical Processing of Images, etc.

The graduates will acquire engineering, technical and practical experience which can be successfully applied in field, well logging and remote sensing geophysical techniques during all stages of prospecting, exploration and extraction of solid minerals.

The Master’s degree graduates can find their occupational fulfiment in design, scientific and research institutes and engineering companies and organisations in the country, Europe and worldwide. The specialised training gives them a possibility to take up managerial or expert positions in state and business structures.

Vocational field 4.4 Earth Sciences
Course of study Exploration Geophysics
Educational and qualification degree Master
Vocational qualification Engineer and Geophysicist
Form of study Full-time
Duration of study 1 year (two semesters)