Ecology and Environmental Protection

Ecology and Environmental Protection is a broad-based course of study that allows students to acquire comprehensive knowledge in various fields of applied ecology (Environmental Chemistry, Radioecology, Ecological Mineralogy, Biosensors and Bioindicators) and environmental protection (Waste Management, Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Remediation of Contaminated Soils, The Atmosphere and the Environment), along with the and implementation of the principles of sustainable development that are related to all of the above.

The graduates in this course of study are offered knowledge and experience in a wide range of natural and technical sciences, whereupon they will find occupational fulfilment as engineers and ecologists (environmental engineers) in industry, in government institutions and research institutes, focusing on the recovery and maintenance of the quality of the environment.

Vocational field 4.4 Earth Sciences
Course of study Ecology and Environmental Protection
Educational and qualification degree Master
Vocational qualification Engineer and Ecologist
Form of study Full-time
Duration of study 1.5 years (three semesters)