Applied Mineralogy

The Master’s degree course is designed to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of mineralogy and petrology. The Master’s degree student in Applied Mineralogy acquires theoretical and practical knowledge in management and operational activities in companies related to prospecting, exploration, extraction and processing of jewelry minerals and decorative rock materials; performing diagnostics and evaluation of precious and jewelry minerals; performing activities related to exploratory geology and geoarchaeology.

Graduates can work in scientific and production organisations or universities; become researchers, lecturers or carry out research and experimental work in various fields related to natural and technogenic mineral systems. The graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in a Ph.D. degree programme.

Vocational field 5.8 Exploration, Mining, and Processing of Minerals
Course of study Applied Mineralogy
Educational and qualification degree Master
Vocational qualification Engineer and Geoexplorer
Form of study Full-time
Duration of study 1.5 years (three semesters)