Economic Geology is the full-fledged and most frequent continuation of the training in the Bachelor’s degree course of study in Geology and Exploration of Mineral and Energy Resources. It offers a wide range of disciplines such as Economics of Mineral Resources, Geostatic Modelling and Assessment, Technological and Techno-economical Assessment of Minerals, Metallogeny, Remote Sensing Methods, Mining Geology, Peri-Ore Variations of Rocks, Organic Petrography and Geochemistry, Facies and Paleographic Analysis, Basin Analysis, Geological and Industrial Assessment of Coal Deposits, etc.

The training in Economic Geology provides the most up-to-date theoretical and practical, engineering and geological knowledge necessary in the field of prospecting, exploration and assessment of mineral deposits.

Vocational field 5.8 Exploration, Mining, and Processing of Minerals
Course of study Economic Geology
Educational and qualification degree Master
Vocational qualification Master in Economic Geology
Form of study Full-time
Duration of study 1.5 years (three semesters)