History, Symbols, Holidays

The University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” (UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”) has been existing as an independent higher school since 10th June 1953 according to Decree №231 of 10th June 1953 of the Presidium of the National Assembly.

The University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” is the only higher school in Bulgaria, which provides high quality education in the field of research, mining and processing of mineral and energy raw materials for nearly seven decades.

During its long history the UMG “St. Ivan Rilski” has trained more than 30 000 specialists, Bulgarian and foreign citizens from over 40 countries from Europe, Asia, Africa, South and Central America. UMG “St. Ivan Rilski” has defended its right to train students at all educational levels. In duration and scope, they correspond to the degrees awarded by universities in Europe and the United States.

The University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” is the only university which offers training in the professional field of “Exploration, Mining and Processing of Minerals” which is in the top 5 of the vocational fields with the highest income for the graduates among all 52 vocational fields of the Bulgarian higher education.

The University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” is an educational and research centre where engineers in geological, mining and electromechanical courses of study are trained, fundamental and applied research activities are conducted and all forms of postgraduate qualification are carried out.

The University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” is a university with qualified pedagogical staff and scientists, with good material base and it is an integral part of the European educational system and the world mining science and practice.

The University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” is located in Sofia, on the territory of the Student Town which is situated at the foot of Vitosha Mountain. The university campus is located on an area of 100 decares where the buildings of the Rectorate, the Faculties (Faculty of Mining Technology, Faculty of Mining Electromechanics, Faculty of Geology and Exploration), the Laboratory Block, the Sports Complex, the “St. Ivan Rilski” Publishing House, the museums, the scientific and educational laboratories are situated. Sports and fitness halls, playgrounds, a swimming-pool, cafes, student dormitories and the university canteen are situated on the territory of the UMG “St. Ivan Rilski” and around it.

The UMG is an educational, scientific research and administrative system that meets the contemporary requirements of leading European and global universities – from the doctoral programmes through the educational and laboratory facilities to the widespread international contacts with leading universities, scientific institutes and companies from other countries.

The mission of the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” is to retain its role as a key player in the creation and development of the intellectual potential of Bulgaria with the aim to ensure the raw materials and energy independence of the country. To prepare engineers with a wide scope of knowledge for working with complex production systems in exploration, mining, processing, transportation, storage and use of mineral resources. To conduct significant fundamental and applied research in the sphere of mining industry and geological prospecting.

In order to achieve these aims, the UMG “St. Ivan Rilski” relies on:

⦁ The competency, enthusiasm and beliefs of its lecturers, employees and students to serve the progress of society on the road to knowledge and shared values;

⦁ The good name of the UMG “St. Ivan Rilski” established through its active presence in the spiritual and economic life of the country;

⦁ The cooperation with state and regional institutions and business organisations;

⦁ The broadening partnership with universities and scientific organisations within and outside the EU.

Saint Ivan Rilski – The patron of the UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”

Saint Venerable Ivan Rilski is a Bulgarian clergyman, saint and hermit. St. Ivan Rilski is one of the prominent people of the medieval Bulgarian state and one of the most revered Bulgarian saints – a spiritual protector of the Bulgarian people. It is no coincidence that he has been chosen as a patron of the miners, the geologists and the workers in the mining industry. This saint has the characteristic features of the profession: firmness, will, compassion and philanthropy.

Our values

To encourage students’ success

The University encourages the education of all. The academic hours and the extracurricular academic activities aim to prepare the students to be successful at the University, their careers and civic engagement. Our lecturers and staff create appropriate opportunities for lifelong education through excellence in the teaching and collaborative work.

Discovery and innovations

As a research university, we partner with communities, specialists and scientists in order to discover and produce new knowledge that will serve the state. Innovations, creativity and discoveries are of utmost importance for what we are and what we do. We educate the next generation of leaders to solve problems and to promote solutions to the challenges we all face.

Growing and advanced partnerships

We cooperate with many partners to promote cultural, economic, and civic interests. Through our committed partnerships, we strive to leave a remarkable trace in science, industry, trade and state and local government for the present and future improvement at all

Our message:

“Education with traditions – knowledge, technological development and innovation”



Rector’s necklace


Vice-Rector’s necklace


Dean’s necklace


Rectors’ academic gown


Vice-Rector’s academic gown


Dean’s academic gown


Freshmen’s academic gown for the initiation ritual


Flag bearer’s academic gown


Flag bearer’s academic gown

Знаме на МГУ

The flag of UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”


The miner’s lamp


Post stamp 60 years UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”

In 2013 the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” celebrated its 60th anniversary with pleasure and academic pride. On the occasion of this anniversary a post stamp “60 years University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” was validated.


The logo of UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”


Badge of UMG “St. Ivan Rilksi”


Medal “60 years UMG “St. Ivan Rilksi”

The corporate sign of the University of Mining and Geology ‘St. Ivan Rilski’ brings the spirit of the university and the academic atmosphere.

The logo of the university is a stylised figure, which reminds of mountain heights. The diamond-shaped figure in a distinctive colour is associated with ores and valuable materials found in Earth’s bowels.


Patron’s Day

The University of Mining and Geology is named after St. Ivan Rilski – the spiritual patron saint of the Bulgarian people and of the miners. Ordinance №187 of 21st June 1995 enacted the transition of the Higher Institute of Mining and Geology into the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”; thus, the Patron’s Day of the university was established which is celebrated officially on 19th October each year by the whole academic community.

The festive event starts with the solemn sound of Gaudeamus Igitur. The university management all clad in academic gowns, the guests, lecturers, and students stand on their feet to meet the flag of the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”. After the congratulatory speeches of the Rector and the official guests to the ceremony, following an ancient Bulgarian custom and on the occasion of the Day of the Patron, Saint Ivan Rilski, defender and protector, blessing with holy water is given. The service is performed by a priest from St. Alexander Nevski Patriarchal Cathedral. After the wonderful chants the bearers move the flag thus beginning the ritual for the initiation of first-year students from all courses of studies to the guild of miners and geologists.

The students repeat after the Rector the initiation text:„On behalf of the first-year students

At the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”,

We confess our desire

To be admitted to the ever-reviving

Community of our Alma Mater.

We assure you that we are willing:

To acquire mining and geological knowledge

And master the mining and geological science,

To be active participants

In all and every initiative of our management,

To do our best

For our successful graduation,

To respect our colleagues and help them,

To cherish and honour our lecturers,

To protect the honour and dignity of our University

In our engineering activities, to put in practice what we have learned,

To protect the lives and health of miners,

To contribute to the development of mining and geology,

For the benefit of our people and of our fatherland, the Republic of Bulgaria.“

Then the students pass under the flag, handing over a miner’s lamp. They have a glass of wine and are given their student books.

The newly initiated students are greeted by the Rector. On behalf of the academic management, the lecturers, and the thousands in the guild, he wishes them every success in their studies and activities for the benefit of the Bulgarian people and for their native land reminding them Saint Ivan Rilski’s legacy: “Be one, keep peace with one another!” Finally, to the sound of the chant Mnogaya Leta (or “May You Have Many Glorious Years Ahead”), the end is put to a ritual that brings moral charge and sparks love of the job and of the glorious mining Alma Mater!



A tradition has been established in our university to officially award Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees at regular graduation ceremonies in the presence of the Deans of Faculties. The solemn atmosphere during the festive occasions creates a sense of involvement and adherence to the academic community and the mining and geological guild as a whole.


The new academic year at UMG “St. Ivan Rilski” starts with a solemn ceremony, to the sounds of the national, European and student anthem “Gaudeamus Igitur”.

The event is attended by the Chairman and members of the Board of Trustees of UMG ‘St. Ivan Rilski’, as well as many colleagues, friends and UMG graduates.

The Rector of the University of Mining and Geology opens the academic year and welcomes the freshman students. According to the established tradition a blessing with holy water for health and success is carried out.
