Taking a degree in the course of studies in Computer Technologies in Engineering, you graduate as an engineer in computer technologies able to:

☑ Design, develop, and administer computer networks, general- and special-purpose software, big databases, Internet-based information systems, CAD systems, GIS, and other open systems;

You will also implement the knowledge obtained performing as:
☑ Systems and applications programmers, programmers in the Internet environment, and programmers of programmable controllers and devices;
☑ Software engineers carrying out systems analysis, design, development, testing, and maintenance of software systems;
☑ LAN administrators, administrators of Internet centres, of information systems, and of databases;
☑ Engineers for the management and support of enterprises’ information streams and resources;
☑ Internet engineers – performing Web design, working with Internet-based information systems, etc.

Vocational field 5.13 General Engineering
Course of study Computer Technologies in Engineering
Educational and qualification degree Bachelor
Vocational qualification Engineer in Computer Technologies
Form of study Full-time
Duration of study Four years