Taking a degree in the course of studies in Development of Mineral Resources you graduate as a mining engineer able to:
☑ Manage companies related to the mining industry in Bulgaria and abroad;
☑ Manage mining sites in Bulgaria and abroad;
☑ Design, organise and build mining sites in Bulgaria and abroad;
☑ Manage and control the mining process and the initial processing in pits and quarries;
☑ Design and manage blasting works in mines, road and water construction, as well as the energy sector;
☑ Design and build ventilation and air conditioning systems for mines, industries, underground warehouses and shelters;
☑ Assess, recommend and ensure conditions for effective, safe and ecological mining of minerals and storage of industrial and domestic waste;
☑ Work in state institutions and departments in the state administration.

Vocational field 5.8 Exploration, Mining, and Processing of Minerals
Course of study Development of Mineral Resources
Educational and qualification degree Bachelor
Vocational qualification Mining Engineer
Form of study Full-time, part-time
Duration of study Four years