Taking a degree in the course of studies in Complex Mechanisation and Computer Design in Mechanical Engineering, you graduate as a mining engineer able to:

☑ Perform exploration, construction, technological, production, installation, exploitation, repair, and other activities in machine-building, mining, and processing companies, plants and centres, as well as in organisations with design, construction, and research activities;
☑ Apply the respective software in the design of machines and facilities;
☑ Employ computer methods in the analysis and optimisation of units and elements;
☑ Hold managerial positions in companies and organisations, as well as in the state administration, in research and marketing departments, in insurance institutions and the like.

Vocational field 5.1 Machine Engineering
Course of study Complex Mechanisation and Computer Design in Mechanical Engineering
Educational and qualification degree Bachelor
Vocational qualification Machine Engineer
Form of study Full-time, part-time
Duration of study Four years